On 9/6/11 7:13 PM, Fbsd8 wrote:

Thanks for your reply. I have a user id that is in the wheel group. I su
and get prompted for the user id's password after which I get returned
to the command line. Running the script with the mkdir command embedded
still returns Permission Denied message. I have read the su man page to
no joy. Could you please explain the sequence of events to get su to work.

Since you're the one having the issue you wish to have resolved, you might want to take it upon yourself to tell us *exactly* what you're typing, what the results are, and what you'd prefer to have happen instead. We can guess what you're doing when you say "I su and get prompted for the user id's password after which I get returned to the command line," but given the root problem is that you don't fully understand the su command, it's hard to be certain what you mean by that.

Going out on a limb, however, I'll point out that, when you're logged in as fred

su - fred

doesn't do much for you as you remain fred, whereas, what was meant in the suggestion to you was something more along the lines of

su -

which, if you enter root's password, leaves you as root. (Or gives you a shell with root's privileges to be a bit more precise.)

But, again, I'd suggest that this would go faster if you provide what you're doing and what the results are rather than what you think you're doing and what you think the results mean.

To recap: Cut and paste what's actually happening, not your summary of same.


--Jon Radel

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