On Thu, Oct 06, 2011 at 03:41:17PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> I've got a 103-key keyboard.  most  of them produce the right WAV
> file.  i was having some trouble with the arrow key, but think i've
> found a resolution.  next are the Function key, F1 to F12. 
> anybody on-list familiar with curses and can help me  with this?
> right now, most of the function keys output 4 clicks [!].  

I generally use tack for verifying the function-keys against the terminal
description.  (I don't recall seeing a port for tack, but it can probably
be built starting with ncurses-devel, though I haven't tried that, since
I build development versions of ncurses outside the ports).

For _seeing_ the codes, it helps to type ^V (lnext) right before pressing
a given key, making the escape character visible.

Thomas E. Dickey

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