There was a message in /usr/ports/UPDATING about subversion 1.6.x and 1.7.0
my daily
# pkg_version -vIL=
subversion-1.6.17_2                 <   needs updating (index has 1.7.0_1)
I didn't use subversion-freebsd in the past and I want to stick to version
So from /usr/ports/UPDATING, I believe (c) applies to me
I ran
# cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion16
# make config
this showed me the same options as I always had...
No trace of the new options, which I would probably have wanted to deselect
if they
were there, but I would have expected them to be there ??
--  is this normal?

# portupgrade -o devel/subversion16 devel/subversion
takes 3 seconds, no output
-- is this normal?

# portupgrade -m "WITH_SUBVERSION_VER=16" -r devel/subversion16
takes also 3 seconfs, no output
-- is this normal?

What exactly do these things? I see not much change

#  pkg_version -vIL= reports
still has
subversion-1.6.17_2 < needs updating (index has 1.7.0_1)

my /var/db/ports had still only a directory subversion with my options file
as it was always
I don't see a /var/db/ports/subversion16  directory yet
Is this normal??

normally I would do (as every week)
# portupgrade -yaRrpb
I don't want to have 1.7.0 installed ...
but before doing that I want to have to be sure ...
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