
I am trying to restore a UFS2 zero level dump sized about 51G. 
restore has created 6105 directories and no files at all, and now is
waiting forever in the runnable state.

What could the problem be? I have always used dump/restore with
success. Does the number 6105 look somewhat suspiciuos?

I have tried "restore -rN" with the same result: after some time it
just seems to do nothing, not reading from tape or disk. Still it is
not frozen, you can press ^C and it will ask:
restore interrupted, continue? [yn]

Its /tmp/rstdir1318692759 file has the size about 38M, I still have
plenty of room in /tmp.

TIA for any ideas.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
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