
8.2 STABLE/i386

I'm hit by something strange.

Basically ldconfig does not take care of some libs
in /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg

By sample I've updated icu (via portupgrade) and libreoffice does not
start anymore.

$ libreoffice 
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libicuuc.so.46" not found,
required by "libsvtfi.so"

Portgrade did a copy of the lib into /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg and run
ldconfig. But the lib does not appear in the listing of the ldconfig
cache :

# cd /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg/
# ls -m *icu*
libicudata.so.46*, libicudata.so.46.1*, libicui18n.so.46.1*,
libicuio.so.46.1*, libicule.so.46.1*, libiculx.so.46.1*,
libicutest.so.46.1*, libicutu.so.46.1*, libicuuc.so.46.1*

# ldconfig -r | grep pkg | grep icu
        664:-licudata.46 => /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg/libicudata.so.46

Note that there is only one icu lib in the ldconfig's cache. The one
named libicudata.so.46 (which is a copy of libicudata.so.46.1).

Questions are :

- Why theses libs are not in the ldconfig cache ?
- Why a copy named libicudata.so.46 is in the cache and not

I've checked the permission and ownership of the libs, they are good.

I've got also some backups of old libs which are not in the cache too.

Any clue?
Thanks, regards.
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