On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 10:23:57AM -0700, Carl Johnson wrote:
> Thomas Dickey <dic...@radix.net> writes:
> > fwiw, without also setting the NC capability (something like NC#35),
> > it'll confuse curses/ncurses since that conflicts with the normal
> > color controls.
> Thanks, I had missed that description in the terminfo(5) manpage.  It
> worked fine without it, but that might have been just because I hadn't
> been using enough colors.  I put it in but there is no change for my
> applications.

To explain - since you're using colors to replace some of the video
attributes, a curses application (less isn't one) will occasionally
reset either a color or a "video attribute", supposing them to be

(I don't have a demo in mind, but know that's how the code works...).

Using NC, then curses applications will prefer using colors over the
video attributes.  (Again, less wouldn't be affected, since it's not
trying to do more than one thing at a time on the screen).

Thomas E. Dickey

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