On 31 October 2011 13:08, Jesse Sheidlower <jes...@panix.com> wrote:

> I've been experimenting with FreeBSD on EC2, in the hopes that I can
> move some systems there. I'm pleased with the possibilities, but have a
> two initial questions:
> First, the t1.micro instance, which I'm starting with, is supposed to
> have 10 GB of EBS storage--1GB for the kernel on the boot partition, and
> 9GB for the rest. But my instance only has 4.8GB on root:
> $ df -h
> Filesystem    Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/da1s1    4.8G    4.1G    332M    93%    /
> devfs         1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
> /dev/da0      1.0G     21M    944M     2%    /boot/grub
> Where's the rest? I asked about this in the EC2 forums, and someone said
> that it's probably unformatted space on a different partition; if so, I
> could use some advice about adding this to the existing root partition,
> and I'm also curious why this would be set up like this. 4.8GB isn't
> enough for me to compile everything I need, even if I put my data on
> another EBS volume....
> Second, the FreeBSD on EC2 page at
> http://www.daemonology.net/freebsd-on-ec2/ says that the first instance
> of 8.2b-RELEASE is for t1.micro instances only, but when I start this
> instance, I'm given the option of starting it as t1.micro, m1.small, or
> c1.medium (the high-CPU medium option). In production I'd like to run
> this as the m1.small or the m1.large instance; I guess there's no large
> instance possible but is there any problem with using the small? Is
> there any time frame for the availability of a large instance? I think
> I'm going to need to use EC2 instead of buying a new physical server,
> and I'd really rather stick with FreeBSD instead of moving to Debian....
> Thanks.
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/var/db/pkg  trees and deploy
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