> > I built and installed sysutils/cdrtools when there was a
> > thread on burncd and SATA, but cdrecord can't see anything
> > (running "cdrecord -scanbus"):

> > cdrecord: Inappropriate ioctl for device. CAMIOCOMMAND ioctl failed. Cannot 
> > open or use SCSI driver.
> > cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'.
> > cdrecord: For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord dev=help'.
> > Cdrecord-ProDVD-ProBD-Clone 3.00 (amd64-unknown-freebsd9.0) Copyright (C) 
> > 1995-2010 J?rg Schilling

> > Running "cdrecord dev=help" or "cdrecord dev=HELP:" did no better.
> Do you have permissions set properly? Maybe it still
> tries to access per ATAPICAM, which may be non-working
> just like acd - just a wild guess, I'm not using 9-RC
> here so I can't be more specific.
> > I had a similar problem on the older computer (i386 with ATA,
> > not SATA) in NetBSD, but cdrecord ran well in Linux.  CD-RW
> > drive there is ATAPI.
> I've been using cdrecord and cdrdao now since burncd
> stopped working for me somewhere in v5. For DVDs,
> growisofs should work.
> While cdrecord and cdrdao address th "SCSI device"
> by n:n:n, growisofs uses /dev/cdN.
> --
> Polytropon

After I failed to burn a CD in NetBSD (5.1_STABLE) on the older computer (i386) 
with cdrecord, I booted into FreeBSD 8.2 RELEASE and was successful with 
burncd.  That drive was CD-RW, ATAPI, that computer has ATA but no SATA.

Does growisofs work on CDRs or only DVDs?

If 'cdrecord -scanbus' doesn't work at all, how do I get the "SCSI device" 
n:n:n?  Use camcontrol?

I see both FreeBSD and NetBSD have makefs (which can make a UFS/FFS or iso file 
system, taking the place of mkisofs in cdrtools.  But NetBSD has no CD or DVD 
burner in the base system.

I could also try to build cdrkit and see if that works.


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