On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 19:24:54 -0300
Mario Lobo articulated:

> My apologies to all for this, specially to those who already know
> about this and those who think too little of it.
> I am really worried about this:
> http://americancensorship.org/
> If these rootless people get control of what goes through the root
> servers, we will loose the last free medium of expression and info
> exchange that is not owned by a corporation or anybody.
> I don't know if I should be worried or not, but if my worries are
> founded and this comes to pass, as far as I can see, it will be the
> end of this great tool as we know it today.
> There is a petition going on here:
> http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_internet/
> There are a lot of Americans on this list that have a lot more power
> than the rest of us to change this. A LOT of people from all over the
> world is signing this petition.
> I hope at least some don't judge me to be over dramatic here but this 
> situation sounds very much so.
> I hope that most of you (if not all) replicates this and that I don't
> get scalded for this post.
> I can only hope ....

Sorry, but I totally disagree with you assessment of this bill. First of
all, because I have not fully read it and secondly because I think it
may in fact have merit.

There are all ready too many scumbags who are illegally ripping off the
works of others using a multitude of false pretenses. A developer,
writer or what ever title you choose to assign to said individual has a
right to protect his/her/their property.

If you want to use a copyrighted or patented item you either get legal
permission and pay a fee if required. Any attempt to use said item(s)
without properly obtained the legal right to first is nothing more than
common thrift and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The Internet was envisioned as a means of exchanging information, not
pilfering it; although sadly enough it has rapidly developed into just
that medium supported by socialists/fascists who would rather pilfer the
works of another rather than obtaining the right to use said works.

Jerry ♔

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