On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 14:10:30 +0100, Dick Hoogendijk wrote:
> Setting up plans for the upcoming 9.0 release I have one question. 
> Assuming the freebsd-update utility will bring me from the 8.2-release 
> to the new 9.0-release I'm not sure what to do exactly with the 
> installed ports.
> I always use portmaster. What steps do I take to get from installed 
> ports on 8.2-release to 9.0?
> Is there a nice and working procedure to follow?
> Thanks for the advice.

Basically, there are two approaches:

a) Update everything.

Using portmaster (and also portupgrade), you can update
all ports that are installed via "all plus recursion".
Make sure to read the UPDATING file regarding your
installed applications. Also see "man portmaster"
(or "man portupgrade") for the correct switches to
portmaster so it can run without any further inter-
action (which is often desired).

b) Install from scratch

Make a list of the ports you _intendedly_ want to use,
this means do not pay much attention at dependencies
that you don't want to have, but are forced to. :-)
It's often helpful to make a list of installed ports
from the system prior to updating. Then install the
ports on your list, as they will pull in any dependencies
they need. This makes sure you don't carry "cruft and
bloat" from your prior installation that you _maybe_
don't have any actual use for.

Needless to say, you should bring your ports tree up
to date before starting either procedure. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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