Здравствуйте, Polytropon.

Вы писали 4 декабря 2011 г., 15:41:45:

P> On Sun, 4 Dec 2011 05:34:19 +0200, Коньков Евгений wrote:
>> Tell me please how to stop sudo to food /var/log/messages?

P> ADDITION: Of course I meant /usr/local/etc/sutoers,
P> NOT sudo.conf.

P> Instead of logging via syslog (to /var/log/messages),
P> why not use a specific log file for sudo? Add those
P> lines to the sudoers file:

P>         Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log
P>         Defaults !syslog

P> Make sure /var/log/sudo.log exists, and maybe use
P> newsyslog.conf to deal with log rotation and archiving.
P> However, you can easily purge sudo log information
P> this way, if required.

P> The file /usr/local/share/doc/sudo/sample.sudoers
P> contains an example.

yes, that is not problem, but I want to control logging in one place
not in each config file of service I have ran on machine.

I have thought that this
*.*                                             /var/log/sudo.log
will take off logging in /var/log/messages but this work as
log to /var/log/messages and to /var/log/sudo.log =((

С уважением,
 Коньков                          mailto:kes-...@yandex.ru

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