--- Original message ---
 From: "Коньков Евгений" <kes-...@yandex.ru>
 To: "Daniel Staal" <dst...@usa.net>
  Date: 18 December 2011, 19:47:40
 Subject: Re[2]: high load system do not take all CPU time

> Здравствуйте, Daniel.
> Вы писали 18 декабря 2011 г., 17:52:00:
> DS> --As of December 17, 2011 10:29:42 AM +0200, Коньков Евгений 
> DS> is alleged to have said:
> >> How to debug why system do not use free CPU resouces?
> >>
> >> On this pictures you can see that CPU can not exceed 400tics
> >> http://piccy.info/view3/2368839/c9022754d5fcd64aff04482dd360b5b2/
> >> http://piccy.info/view3/2368837/a12aeed98681ed10f1a22f5b5edc5abc/
> >> http://piccy.info/view3/2368836/da6a67703af80eb0ab8088ab8421385c/
> >>
> >>
> >> On these pictures you can see that problems begin with trafic on re0
> >> when CPU load rise to "maximum"
> >> http://piccy.info/view3/2368834/512139edc56eea736881affcda490eca/
> >> http://piccy.info/view3/2368827/d27aead22eff69fd1ec2b6aa15e2cea3/
> >>
> >> But there is 25% CPU idle yet at that moment.
> DS> <snip>
> >># top -SIHP
> >> last pid: 93050;  load averages:  1.45,  1.41,  1.29
> >> up 9+16:32:06  10:28:43 237 processes: 5 running, 210 sleeping, 2
> >> stopped, 20 waiting
> >> CPU 0:  0.8% user,  0.0% nice,  8.7% system, 17.7% interrupt, 72.8% idle
> >> CPU 1:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  9.1% system, 20.1% interrupt, 70.9% idle
> >> CPU 2:  0.4% user,  0.0% nice,  9.4% system, 19.7% interrupt, 70.5% idle
> >> CPU 3:  1.2% user,  0.0% nice,  6.3% system, 22.4% interrupt, 70.1% idle
> >> Mem: 843M Active, 2476M Inact, 347M Wired, 150M Cache, 112M Buf, 80M Free
> >> Swap: 4096M Total, 15M Used, 4080M Free
> DS> --As for the rest, it is mine.
> DS> You are I/O bound; most of your time is spent in interrupts.  The CPU is
> DS> dealing with things as fast as it can get them, but it has to wait for the
> DS> disk and/or network card to get them to it.  The CPU is not your problem;
> DS> if you need more performance, you need to tune the I/O.  (And possibly get
> DS> better I/O cards, if available.)
> DS> Daniel T. Staal
> can I get interrupt limit or calculate it before that limit is
> reached?
> interrupt source is internal card:
> # vmstat -i
> interrupt                          total       rate
> irq14: ata0                       349756         78
> irq16: ehci0                        7427          1
> irq23: ehci1                       12150          2
> cpu0:timer                      18268704       4122
> irq256: re0                     85001260      19178
> cpu1:timer                      18262192       4120
> cpu2:timer                      18217064       4110
> cpu3:timer                      18210509       4108
> Total                          158329062      35724
> Have you any good I/O tuning links to read?
> -- 
> С уважением,
> Коньков                          mailto:kes-...@yandex.ru
 Your problem is in the poor performance LAN Card. Guy from Calomel Org told 
you about it. He advised you to change to Intel Network Card.
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