Здравствуйте, Коньков.

Вы писали 22 декабря 2011 г., 20:22:38:

КЕ> I have configured that I receive traffic from LAN via igb1 and it is
КЕ> leaving to world via igb0

КЕ> but when I see processes I see that on igb0 there is 4 queues but on
КЕ> igb1 it is only one. Do I must tune something or all is right here?

КЕ> top -SIHP

КЕ>    11 root       155 ki31     0K    32K RUN     1 287:27 70.21% idle{idle: 
КЕ>    11 root       155 ki31     0K    32K RUN     3 292:42 67.77% idle{idle: 
КЕ>    11 root       155 ki31     0K    32K CPU2    2 286:38 65.97% idle{idle: 
КЕ>    11 root       155 ki31     0K    32K RUN     0 282:58 57.13% idle{idle: 
КЕ>    12 root       -92    -     0K   248K WAIT    1   7:01  5.32% 
intr{irq257: igb0:que}
КЕ>    12 root       -92    -     0K   248K WAIT    0   9:35  5.03% 
intr{irq256: igb0:que}
КЕ>    12 root       -92    -     0K   248K WAIT    2   8:14  4.25% 
intr{irq258: igb0:que}
КЕ>    12 root       -92    -     0K   248K WAIT    3   9:48  3.71% 
intr{irq259: igb0:que}
КЕ>    13 root       -16    -     0K    32K sleep   2   6:42  3.08% 
КЕ>    13 root       -16    -     0K    32K sleep   3   6:42  2.98% 
КЕ>    13 root       -16    -     0K    32K sleep   0   6:42  2.93% 
КЕ>    13 root       -16    -     0K    32K sleep   2   6:43  2.69% 
КЕ>  7371 root        21    0 15388K  5496K select  2   5:04  0.73% snmpd
КЕ>    12 root       -92    -     0K   248K WAIT    0   1:52  0.63% 
intr{irq261: igb1:que}

getting information about interrupts shows that there is not
interrupts from igb1
char igb_driver_version[] = "version - 2.2.5";

    2 users    Load  0.50  0.53  0.50                  Dec 22 23:59

Mem:KB    REAL            VIRTUAL                       VN PAGER   SWAP PAGER
        Tot   Share      Tot    Share    Free           in   out     in   out
Act  332272   13268  2062288    30088  122004  count
All  494672   19520  4333592    90716          pages
Proc:                                                            Interrupts
  r   p   d   s   w   Csw  Trp  Sys  Int  Sof  Flt    117 cow   31201 total
          1 172       72k  889 4135  14k 4041  660    296 zfod        ata0 14
                                                       10 ozfod     5 ata1 15
 3.9%Sys   5.0%Intr  0.4%User  0.0%Nice 90.7%Idle       3%ozfod     2 ehci0 16
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       daefr     2 ehci1 23
==++>                                                 378 prcfr  4126 cpu0:timer
                                        33 dtbuf      450 totfr  2920 igb0:que 0
Namei     Name-cache   Dir-cache    110737 desvn          react  2680 igb0:que 1
   Calls    hits   %    hits   %     37963 numvn          pdwak  2187 igb0:que 2
    4504    4492 100                 27657 frevn          pdpgs  2550 igb0:que 3
                                                          intrn       igb0:link
Disks  ada0   da0 pass0 pass1                      270288 wire   4355 igb1:que 0
KB/t  30.96  0.00  0.00  0.00                      316488 act       3 igb1:que 1
tps       5     0     0     0                     1264188 inact     1 igb1:que 2
MB/s   0.16  0.00  0.00  0.00                       95204 cache     2 igb1:que 3
%busy     0     0     0     0                       26800 free        igb1:link
                                                   114912             re0 266
                                                                 4127 cpu1:timer
                                                                 4116 cpu3:timer
                                                                 4125 cpu2:timer

С уважением,
 Коньков                          mailto:kes-...@yandex.ru

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