On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 01:27:31PM -0700, Dale Scott wrote:
> I installed mdbtools from source on github and it put its man pages in
> "/usr/local/share/man/man1", where the default man command doesn't find
> them (although "man -M /usr/local/share/man mdb-export" works).

Just use `man /full/path/to/the/manpage`. Also check man(1) and
man.conf(5) on how to specify additional MANPATHs.
> From "man hier", it looks like the man pages should have been put into
> "/usr/local/man". Is that correct? Also, the pages aren't in gz format
> (just "mdb-export.1"). Is there a typical workaround? (I expect this is
> not uncommon for an app coming from the Linux world?).

It's not uncommon, but such stuff should be fixed when porting something
from "Linux world" and manpages should go to /usr/local/man, as hier(7)

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