Le Wed, 18 Jan 2012 16:42:10 -0700,
Dale Scott <dalesc...@shaw.ca> a écrit :

> # mount
> /dev/ada0p2 on / (ufs, local, journaled soft-updates)
> devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
> /dev/ad1as1d on /backup (ufs, local, soft-updates)
> #
> # cd /backup
> # dump -0aLf 20120118.dump /
> There is no output after hitting <enter>, and afterwards the system
> is generally unresponsive. A command (e.g., whoami) typed into the
> VirtualBox server console and an ssh terminal is echo'd, but that's
> all. I had started "top" in a seperate ssh terminal before issuing
> the dump command, and it shows mksnap_ffs running with 98%-100% WCPU
> for about 55 minutes, at which point "top" stops updating. I gave up
> after 70 minutes and yanked the virtual power cord.

There are several reports that snapshots are broken on ufs+SUJ and dump
takes a snapshot.

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