On Thu, 2012-02-02 at 00:09 +0000, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> I'm new to OpenMP. I wonder
> if there are any special considerations
> when running OpenMP on FreeBSD?

I run OpenMP. No special consideration. Here's a chunk from my Makefile:

TARG=ecc.enc ecc.dec

$TARG: *.cc *.h Makefile
        g++ -Wall -fopenmp -g -O ${INCL} ${LIBS} -o ecc.enc *.cc
        g++ -Wall -fopenmp -g -O ${INCL} ${LIBS} -o ecc.dec *.cc

> For example, I have this OMP parallelised
> fortran program, nested do loops, compiled
> with gfortran46. When I run it with 2 threads
> on a 2-cpu box, I see in top(1):
> 63995   1001    89    0 57048K 34272K CPU1    1   1:06 55.08% 
> dummy.sx{dummy.sx}
> 63995   1001    87    0 57048K 34272K RUN     1   1:02 52.39% 
> dummy.sx{dummy.sx}
>    11      0   155 ki31     0K    32K RUN     0 376:58 51.46% idle{idle: cpu0}
>    11      0   155 ki31     0K    32K RUN     1 368:18 45.36% idle{idle: cpu1}
> I wonder why, even after a minute of run time,
> I still have nearly a whole cpu idle?

What is the program doing? I/O can significantly limit OMP value. Also,
you need to make sure you code your loops properly or else you have a
single-threaded application, without warning.

> As a result the run time with 2 threads
> is nearly identical to run time with 1 thread. 
> It's likely that I'm not using OMP correctly,
> but I wanted to check if there are any
> special FreeBSD related issues to bear
> in mind when coding with OMP.

As an example, this is one of my key sections of code in C++. It works.
I can't say for Fortran.

#pragma omp parallel

#pragma omp for

      for( size_t i = 0; i < bq.size(); ++i ) {

        Block& b = bq[ i ];

        // Adjust any padding.

        if( b.size() != b.szSYMS ) {

          eofPad = ( b.szSYMS - b.size());
          for( ssize_t j = b.size(); j < b.szSYMS; ++j )
            b.syms()[ j ] = eofPad;

          if( verbose )
            fprintf( stderr,
                     "Padding: read=%ld, pad=%d\n",
                     b.size(), eofPad );

          b.size( b.szSYMS );


        // Encode the buffer.

        encode_rs_8( b.syms(), b.parity(), 0 );

        // Set it to its new size.
        //  (the encoder is an outside routine.)

        b.size( b.szBLOCK );

        // Interleave the buffer.

        add_interleave( b.buf());

      } /* for */
    } /* pragma */

> Thanks

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