On 07/02/2012, at 22:25, dick wrote:

> Op 7-2-2012 12:23, Vincent Hoffman schreef:
>> On 07/02/2012 11:00, dick wrote:
>>> I run a ZFS on root FreeBSD system. I know I can backup with snapshots
>>> but I want a dump/restore action because I want to transfer this
>>> system to a UFS virtual FreeBSD machine.
>>> My question is: will dump / (root) make a dump of *ALL* other
>>> directories?
>> Dump works at the filesystem level and will not work on a zfs filesystem
>> [root@banshee /backup/local/zfs]# dump -b 64  -f - ./
>> dump: ./: unknown file system
>> I'd use tar or cpio or pax or something.
>> On a UFS filesystem dump will only dump the filesystem specified and
>> will not cross mountpoints.
> OK, got it. I will have to read up on the best option (tar, cpio or pax)
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Why not use the ZFS send / receive command?


William Brown

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