On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 02:47:08PM -0500, Mike Dockery wrote:
> Greetings,


> I have been a user of Linux since 1994, but most of the linux distros 
> seem to be getting away from freedom... which is why I chose it in the 
> first place.  They seem intent on forcing things that do not work well 
> (like pulseaudio and nouveau) on everyone.  Freedom of choice is always 
> best.

Yeah, I used to use Linux but they became a bunch of Freedom Nazis
controlled by big companies.

Happily using FreeBSD for 10 years.

> My question is:  Should I try the amd64 version of FreeBSD with my Intel 
> Core i7-2600 processor or should I use the i386?

Generally, for an x86 machine with 4GB or greater memory use amd64.
Memory less than that use i386.

ie. you almost certainly want to use amd64, I should think.

> I hope to give FreeBSD a try later this month.

Excellent. Best of luck and any problems not covered in the handbook
or google, post here. Welcome to FreeBSD!

> Thanks,
> Mike Dockery




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