I dont think you really grasping what I was asking..
I am aware that I can build from source, yet I'm trying to stay away
from that route due to a lot of overhead going forward...
I'm also aware that php5 or actually apache22 doesn't come with
mod_php as well, and as alternative I'm willing to go spawn-fcgi route
instead, and this is what I'm interested in.
I'm looking for some blog/howtos of people already done it on freebsd
and not just a general fastcgi.com site :)
So, if anyone have an experience or know a good resources that may be
useful for me at this point of time, I'd highly appreciate if you can
post it here.

Thank you in advance.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Chuck Swiger <cswi...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2012, at 5:14 PM, alexus wrote:
>> is there a way to make apache22 w/ php5 without using /usr/ports?
> Yes, you could download and build the sources yourself without using ports.
> It wouldn't be any faster or easier, though.
>> just using pkg_add -r apache22 && pkg_add -r php5
> No.  The precompiled php5 package doesn't come with mod_php Apache module,
> in part because there are many apache versions against which it might be 
> compiled.
>> maybe through spawn-fcgi somehow?
> I suppose, or just normal CGI mechanism.
>> anyone have a good example/docs how to do it?
>  http://www.fastcgi.com/drupal/node/6
> Regards,
> --
> -Chuck

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