On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 03:00:48PM +0000, DanB wrote:
> How do you reload rc.conf.local.

Assuming you're running 4.x, about the only sure ways are:

i) Drop down to single user mode, and then back to multiuser:

   # shutdown now
   # exit

ii) Do a complete reboot

   # shutdown -r now

Neither of those solutions will be any good to you if you can't
interrupt service on your machine.

rc.conf and rc.conf.local aren't executable files in that sense: they
are configuration files for the other /etc/rc* scripts, so to apply
changes in rc.conf you've got to re-run the /etc/rc* scripts, and that
means you've got to reboot.

Otherwise you could trace through the /etc/rc* scripts and find out
what effect the rc.conf variables you've changed actually have.  Then
manually run commands to achieve the same effect.  Doing this does
require quite a deal of knowledge about how the various daemons
etc. work and shouldn't be undertaken unless you are sure you know
what you're doing.

On 5.x with the rcNG stuff, you may be able to stop and restart
individual components by using the appropriate rc scripts, but
otherwise your choices are as above.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
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