On 28/02/2012 02:21, Robert Banfield wrote:
> I have some additional information that I didnt see before actually
> digging into the log file.  It is quite interesting.  There are 82,206
> subdirectories in one of the folders.  Like this:
> /zfs_mount/directoryA/token[1-82206]/various_tileset_files
> When looking at the output of find, here is what I see:
> Lines 1-9996943: The output of find, good as good can be
> Lines 9996944-10062479:  Subdirectory entries only, it traversed none of
> them.
> Notice 10062479-9996944+1 = 65536 = 2^16
> So, of the 82206 subdirectories, the first 82206-2^16 were traversed,
> and the final 2^16 were not.  The plot thickens...

Now this is very interesting indeed.  80,000 subdirectories is quite a
lot..  As is a grand total of more than 10,000,000 files.

Hmmm... and you see the find problem just when searching within the
structure under directoryA?  I think you have found a bug, although
whether it is in find(1), the filesystem or elsewhere is not clear.
Given that 'ls -R' shows the same problem, the bug could be in fts(3).

Still, that's a testable hypothesis.  Let me see if I can reproduce the



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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