Da= vid,
   Sorry for top posting - my 'phone makes it difficult.
   Do= we really have to have this debate again?
   You made the same points = a short while ago, and there was a long
   on-list debate about the strengths = and shortfalls of the existing
   ports and packages system.
   I don't se= e what value is added by having that debate again?
   I have certainly = been able to do binary package updates between
   releases in the past, so I c= an't agree that it doesn't work at all.
   Be that as it may, if you ca= n't or won't contribute programming
   time, money, or server resources to cre= ate the kind of package
   system you're talking about I don't see how it help= s to continually
   harangue the user community about your wish to make FreeBS= D work
   like Debian.

   Peter Harrison

   From:= David Jackson
   Sent: Wednesday, 7 March 2012 16:29
   To:<= /b> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
   Subject: Still having trouble w= ith package upgrades
   I still have yet to find a resolution to= the problems I have had
   binary packages and upgrades on FreeBSD= . Binary upgrading is
   broken with
   every tool I have tried.
   There is no real reason why FreeBSD should not provide a facility fo   r 
   to be able to binary upgrade to the most recent version of al= l
   with a simple upgrade command.
   One faulty arg= ument I heard was that it is often not a good idea to
   to new = software release. The whole purpose of having a release cycle
   pro= grams is to provide stable, tested releases for the public to
   that will will work properly, and improve upon and fix problems with
   releases. This is why mainline release are differentiated from betas   and
   the CVS downloads which are experimental. So you really do want = the
   recent release, especially for corrections to any security p= roblem.
   upgrades more difficult actually makes the system more= insecure by
   people for a long time to security problems tha= t were fixed in
   software but
   making it difficult for people to upgrad= e.
   As for the security issues of downloading binary pac= kages. The fact
   source packages are not safer than binary packages= , more on that in
   a bit.
   I am astonished that people here would not r= ealise the obvious,
   having safe
   binary installs is do-able from mirro= r sites, just have the
   management software download MD5s from= many mirror sites, compare
   them and
   test the downloaded package, is = they are off, then the package will
   not be
   installed the user will be= prompted to allow a notification of the
   to be sent to the Fr= eeBSD administrators. The fact is, binary
   releases are
   no more danger= ous than source releases, someone could just as easily
   bad cod= e in a source code package on a mirror, you need automated
   checki= ng anyway, for both binary or source upgrades. So the idea
   sourc= e upgrades are safer is false, just dead wrong.
   As for compile= options, the solution is simple, compile in all
   options and = the most commonly used settings into the binary
   packages, for
   the sta= ndard i386 CPU. If people want customisations then they can
   the= software for themselves.
   A good software philosophy is to all= ow software to work out of the
   box with
   as little configuration as po= ssible, but allow everything to be
   by the user if they wan= t, by shipping software with reasonable
   which can be overrid= den by the user. Make simple things easy and
   complicated things doabl= e. In GUI, by default, complexity can be
   from users, but if pe= ople want fine grain control, they should be
   free to
   use advanced scr= eens of the GUI to get complex, fine grained
   control. In
   GUI design, = more commonly used settings can be provided more upfront
   advanc= ed features for use by experts can be placed deeper in
   advanced or
   ex= pert screens oft the GUI. Everything should be able to be
   configured or
<= br>accomplished by both GUI and CLI and API.
   A good user frien= dly model for a useable OS is to allow for binary
   of the ent= ire system to be upgraded with a single upgrade command.
   should wo= rk out of the box without hassle. Keeping software up to
   date to
   rece= nt releases is good practice, remember what I said about the
   purpose of
<= br>software releases. make it easy.
   why dont the freebsd admin= istrators just have a build machine
   automatically compiles the s= oftware and makes them available as the
   are updated.
<= br>The user should be able to keep their system up to date
   without doing a= ny
   system wide all at once OS-release upgrades at all. There is no re   ason why
   kernel and userland programs have to be upgraded at the same= time.
   Especially considering its a good design practice for kernel t= o
   backward compatability. Instead the system would be pieceme= al
   updated over
   time, including the kernel, in a piecemeal fashion. T= he need for
   wide OS distribution version numbers like FreeBSD = 9.0 is becoming
   Versions are still very valuable for the ke= rnel, but for collections
   of the
   entire system software, it has becom= e much less relevant. This was
   from an
   age when people would receive= a Tape or CD in the mail and update
   everything all at once, now soft= ware can be upgraded in a piecemeal
   over time with automatic upda= tes. The CD-based upgrade and all at
   system wide upgrades actual= ly for reasons are inferior, in that it
   often months would go b= y before a software program was updated,
   delying the
   application of v= ital security fixes. Before the age of the internet
   and the
   hacker, t= hat may have been acceptable. Its not anymore. With Firefox
   Flash= for instance, security fixes are made sometimes weekly, with
   syst= em wide at once upgrade model, it could be a very long time
   u= pgrades of such software between releases of the OS software
   CD. The idea of waiting on a FreeBSD kernel release to upgrade firef   ox is
   absurd, and the idea that firefox must be upgraded during a ker= nel
   is also absurd. The piecemeal model is much more convenie= nt for
   providing more up to date packages and no OS release up= grade
   There really should be little reason for release= upgrades anymore
   days, when the different parts of the system = can be upgraded
   through a binary package management too= l, including kernel and
   When a new kernel= is released, there is no reason to reinstall all of
   packages on = the system at the same time. Since the kernel and
   packages h= ave different development cycles, there is no reason why
   has to= be synchronization of the upgrading.
   Some here suggested PC-B= SD, it was no better at all than FreeBSD, In
   in its documentatio= n it demanded a complete system reinstall just
   upgrade to a new ke= rnel version. An OS that requires a user to
   everything just= to upgrade the kernel is not user friendly. It
   creates more
   trouble = and difficulty for users and ironically makes the system
   more user
   un= friendly, and makes these users suffer due to the design faults of
system, a user having to upgrade userland packages for a kernel
   upgrade i= s
   a symptom of serious design faults and deficiencies. These two part= s
   be able to be upgraded independently and a good system assur= es
   compatability support so older packages can run on a new= er
   For now I have totally given up on FreeBSD, all I h= ad with FreeBSD
   problems, big problems. The lack of smooth binar= y upgrades, and the
   virtual box support made it very difficult t= o use.
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