On Mon, 02 Apr 2012 08:20:02 +1000
Da Rock articulated:

> Both networking in FreeBSD _and_ Winblows can be difficult at times.
> My point is that Winblows is not some magical fairy that can make 
> everything better. It doesn't. It quite often gets it wrong, and when
> it does its a b**ch to fix- especially now with the newer versions;
> it just just gets harder and harder to fix. And (forget your phd)
> considering both myself and the other tech have _Microsoft_ certs and
> I topped in networking in that same certification thats saying
> something, do you think?

A degree != practical knowledge. The only thing you are telling me is
that you are a failure with no practical knowledge of what you are
doing. You display an obvious disdain for the OS, so how can you even
pretend to be objective? That is like me going on a jury with a
predisposed hated of the defendant. Guess how that is going to turn
out. It is like me putting together model planes. I hate model planes
and end up destroying them and conversely blaming the destruction on
the planes. It is exactly what you are doing.

You obviously are a failure at networking in a Microsoft environment,
so go back to whatever it is that you are semi capable of doing, which
will also save your employer monies spent on time wasted. Unless of
course this happens to be your own unit, in which case run down the
block and find a 12 year old and have him/her fix it for you.

Jerry ♔

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