On 10/04/2012 08:05, Christer Solskogen wrote:
> I see this error in the error log of apache. It seems to happen
> whenever someone do a GET on certain mp3-files on my server. What does
> this error mean?

It can be due to various different reasons.  At a guess, probably this:


In which case, it's probably your users getting frustrated with slow
downloads and cancelling requests -- improving performance and getting
more downstream bandwidth would help.

Beyond that, it can be due to apache running out of file descriptors --
you'ld see error messages mentioning file descriptors elsewhere in the
apache logs in that case, and it would only appear if your apache setup
had hundreds of virtual hosts each with their own log files.

Other things to look at: use of EnableSendFile or EnableMMAP in your
configuration.  IIRC this is generally fine and enabled by default on
FreeBSD, *except* when you mount your document root by NFS.  See the
discussion in the Apache docs for more details.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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