
I am not able to apply the patch ...

mysql# pwd
mysql# make clean
===>  Cleaning for jboss-5.1.0.GA_1,1
mysql# make extract
===>  License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE
===>  Extracting for jboss-5.1.0.GA_1,1
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for jboss-5.1.0.GA-src.tar.gz.
mysql# cd work/jboss-5.1.0.GA-src/
mysql# patch < /home/vermaden/patch.pom
Hmm...  Looks like a context diff to me...
The text leading up to this was:
|*** pom.xml.orig       Thu Apr 19 18:29:15 2012
|--- pom.xml    Thu Apr 19 20:40:37 2012
Patching file pom.xml using Plan A...
(Fascinating--this is really a new-style context diff but without
the telltale extra asterisks on the *** line that usually indicate
the new style...)
Hunk #1 failed at 280.
Hunk #2 failed at 302.
Hunk #3 failed at 362.
3 out of 3 hunks failed--saving rejects to pom.xml.rej


mysql# pwd
mysql# make clean
===>  Cleaning for jboss-5.1.0.GA_1,1
mysql# make patch
===>  License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE
===>  Extracting for jboss-5.1.0.GA_1,1
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for jboss-5.1.0.GA-src.tar.gz.
===>  Patching for jboss-5.1.0.GA_1,1
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for jboss-5.1.0.GA_1,1
mysql# cd work/jboss-5.1.0.GA-src/
mysql# patch < /home/vermaden/patch.pom 
Hmm...  Looks like a context diff to me...
The text leading up to this was:
|*** pom.xml.orig       Thu Apr 19 18:29:15 2012
|--- pom.xml    Thu Apr 19 20:40:37 2012
Patching file pom.xml using Plan A...
(Fascinating--this is really a new-style context diff but without
the telltale extra asterisks on the *** line that usually indicate
the new style...)
Hunk #1 failed at 280.
Hunk #2 failed at 302.
Hunk #3 failed at 362.
3 out of 3 hunks failed--saving rejects to pom.xml.rej

Could You please attach the whole modified working POM.XML? ;)


"Horst Leitenmueller" <horst.leitenmuel...@liwest.at> pisze:
> hi vermaden,
> here is the howto and all needed changes...
> installation is done on a 8.2-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD amd64 with openjdk6
> what is missing is a settings.xml which must be located in the home directory 
> of root, or the one who is installing ports
> /root/.m2/settings.xml
> file is attached in this file the depricated jboss dependencies are kept; 
> otherwise you will not be able to build
> second thing is i removed/changed things from the pom.xml file in the 
> portbuild/usr/ports/java/jboss5/work/jboss-5.1.0.GA-src/
> there are changes for 
> and 
> the entries glassfish i have removed 
> http://maven.glassfish.org/content/groups/glassfish they just deliver not 
> working response
> how to patch, i run "make install" in /usr/ports/java/jboss5
> when jboss-src is downloaded and extracted i interrupted the build
> patched the pom.xml   (problem was, i thougth install will work, but it was 
> running and downloading garbage from glassfish repo...)
> rm -rf /root/.m2/repository/ helps also if some garbage is collected
> jboss-team has announced there will be a repo change already some time ago, 
> but i also did not recognize it :-) until it was turned off...
> for the portmaintainer ? how to handle the settings.xml ? the other things 
> can be patched…
> and settings.xml


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