On 04/24/12 20:02, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 01:33:58PM -0500, Robert Bonomi wrote:

Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 18:50:26 +0100
From: Anton Shterenlikht<me...@bristol.ac.uk>
To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
Subject: editor that understands CTRL/B, CTRL/I, CTRL/U

My daughter is doing a touch typing course
that presumes MS Word. So far she was fine
with pico, but now they want the kids to
practice CTRL/B (bold), CTRL/I (italic),
CTRL/U (underline). She really needs to use
these particular combinations because that
is how the on-line assessment tool is set out.

I use nothing but vi, so have no clue which,
if any, editor from ports/editors will have
these particular combinations implemented.

Please recommend one, preferably as simple
and as small as possible.

Sorry *NO* 'text editor' has those capabilities, let alone has
them on those key sequences.

Those are 'word processor' functions.  word processor' software
is required.

I know, I know..

I don't know why in a touchtyping course
you need to teach kids this, but..

Anyway, abiword seems to do what I need.

Let me know if there's anything lighter.

For a no brain, no effort solution, how about Google Docs?

Otherwise, you might want to take a look at the port www/tinymce3. It's a JavaScript editor that runs in a browser and does word processorish things. You can see what it's like at


(Javascript needed, fairly obviously :-)

Caveat: I've never used it seriously, Abiword and/or Google Docs cover the few times I need to be compatible with the Windows world.
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