On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 07:07:59 -0400, Rod Person wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 03:54:29 +0000 (UTC)
> Walter Hurry <walterhu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> How many of the screenlets actually work? When I was working on
>> >>> this I found that a number of them where too linux specific to
>> >>> work. I have a screenshot of the sticky note and weather working
>> >>> but that's about all I can recall working.
>> >>
>> >> I only wanted three: Clock, ClearCalendar and ClearWeather. They
>> >> work perfectly. I haven't tried any of the others.
>> > 
>> > Consider making a port.  Clearly there is some demand.
>> > http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/
>> For the Python wnck module, or for screenlets? I'm afraid that
>> technically I am well short of the ability to do either. I am more than
>> willing to help anyone who elects to so, though.
>> Incidentally (and this is addressed to Rod mainly), the ClearWeather
>> module was broken. I had to hack it a bit to get it to work properly.
>> It got confused over proxies, but since I am not unfamiliar with
>> Python, that presented no difficulty.
> Creating a port itself is rather simple...it the porting of the code
> from Linux to FreeBSD that is the hard part. I have one official port
> that I made as a way to brush off my C skills, it works but it was hell
> getting some of the Linux specific translated but thanks to one of the
> committers it got cleaned up...
> But anyway, the issues with screenlets is getting any of the screenlets
> that interface with the system to work such as Mount, MyIP, Netmonitor
> or the CPU Meter, when I tried this with FreeBSD 7.2 none of them worked
> because of all the Linux device names.
> If you know python this should not be too hard just time consuming. The
> only reason I stopped working on this was I moved from using OpenBox to
> using the i3 window manager.
> I can check around and see if I still have any thing I worked on laying
> around but I'm not sure about that...I changed hard disks since then.
> I do love python so I would not be adversed to working on some of the
> individual screenlet modules.

Thanks for the encouragement, but my skills really are not up to that.
Cheers, anyway.

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