On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 04:46:52PM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> Now you are being naive. There are numerous examples of people in both
> corporate and government jobs that have made out right lies as to
> their education, etcetera. Some of those frauds have gone undetected
> for years. The majority of resumes for entry level jobs are rarely if
> ever given more than a perfunctory look.

You say that as though I somehow argued that people don't lie, or that
all people who lie get caught.  I made no such statements.  If you're
going to argue against things I didn't say, you should just send the
emails to yourself and leave both me and the rest of the mailing list out
of the discussion.

> The bottom line is if you want a job, you either learn or acquire the
> criteria required for the job, or find a way to BS your way into it
> and hope you can pull it off. No legitimate employer is going to change
> his criteria to accommodate your skills.

Good job completely bypassing my actual statements to make a point about
something else entirely.  Congratulations on your irrelevance.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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