--As of April 29, 2012 12:46:52 PM -0400, Jerry is alleged to have said:

Which would be fine, if annoying, if everything actually was available
in Ports.  But it's not: I'm using several modules that aren't
available from Ports, and of course the modules I'm *developing*
aren't available from Ports.

Which specific modules are not available? In the past I had to port a
few Perl modules into FreeBSD or else install them via CPAN as you have
done. If it is a simple module, I can show you how to do it or make a
port for it myself. Also, you should be aware that many modules are
available in the ports system, but not under the correct CPAN name.
Don't ask why; I did once and got so much BS that I just abandoned the

--As for the rest, it is mine.

I'm still in early development, so the list is likely to grow as the project moves along. The main one that's causing me trouble at the moment is CGI::Application::Plugin::CompressGzip, although I've noticed that several others of the CGI::Application set that look interesting and useful aren't in the ports system. And, of course, there is the modules I'm developing for this project.

Making ports for each one feels like a band-aid though: It's a 'solution' that's just going to grow in complexity and scope the longer it goes on, and isn't really fixing anything other than the individual symptoms. A real solution to me would either be a way to get "@comment ORIGIN:" to automatically populate in the bsdpan-* (CPAN) module install process, or a way to get portmanager to ignore modules installed via that process.

Daniel T. Staal

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