On Sat, 19 May 2012, Matthew Seaman wrote:

That's a bit drastic and pretty much something you'ld never actually
want to do in normal usage.  However, for completeness' sake:

  # pkg_delete -af

will remove all installed ports.  After doing that there should be
hardly anything left under /usr/local -- most of what's left would be
config files in /usr/local/etc.

The -f is probably not needed. I've done this rarely enough to not recall, but -a should sort everything in the right order so dependencies are uninstalled in order.

The advice to use portmaster is good.

A typical session to maintain all your ports goes something like this:

  # portsnap fetch update             (Gets the latest contents for
  # less /usr/ports/UPDATING          (Check for any special
                                       instructions affecting any
                                       ports you have installed.
                                       Assuming nothing out of the
                                       ordinary is required (and it
                                       usually isn't), then...)
  # pkg_version -vIL=                 (see what needs updating)
  # portmaster -a                     (update everything out of date)

portmaster can show ports that can be updated:

  portmaster -L --index-only

Or, more concisely:

  portmaster -L --index-only | egrep '(ew|ort) version|total install'

There's a short overview of port upgrading procedures and reasoning at http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/portupgrade.html .
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