Jos Chrispijn writes:

>  The content of this script (amongst others) is:
>  rsync -avpog /etc                       /backup/$DATE/
>  Funny thing now is that in the output of the script, the following appears:
>  /root/cronjobs/ rsync: not found
>  file credentials of the script itself:
>  -rwx------  1 root  wheel   246 Jun 20  2010

        1) rsync is a port.
        2) by default, ports install executables to /usr/local/bin
        3) by default, "do_daily_run" will inherit its environment -
                including PATH - from crontab(5) (system or per-user).
        4) by default, the crontab PATH does not include
                /usr/local/bin.  (There is a reason for this.)

        Recommended solution: provide the full path to rsync.

                                Robert Huff

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