Thanks for the pointers and hints, I'm over that hurdle.

On 5/19/2012 5:28 PM, Warren Block wrote:
On Sat, 19 May 2012, Polytropon wrote:

3. The Xorg man page notes that <ctrl><alt><bksp> should cause it to
exit. However, it doesn't, and I had to use kill -TERM. Any hints on
why <ctrl><alt><bksp> doesn't cause it to exit?

This is also a new default to _not_ work anymore. You have more
than two (if I remember correctly) options in making it work.
You'll find them in the Handbook:

One possibility when X has been compiled _without_ HAL support
(and no hald running), placing

Option "DontZap" "false"

into the "ServerLayout" section should work. Additionally, I see
that I have

Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

in the "InputDevice" section of "Keyboard0". It "just" works. :-)

This should work whether or not HAL is installed or running.
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