On 29 May 2012 20:06,  <phnxcs_...@lycos.com> wrote:

>    Hello,
>   I am moving away from MS products due to security a nd stability
>   concerns.  Below are the machines I use and would like to know which
>   version of FreeBSD will work best with each.  The computer s are used
>   at home and away, for e-mail, preparing documents, databases, an d
>   spredsheets, as well as, web browsing and some begining programing
>   (Perl, C, HTML, and Assembely I think).

Eitan Adler responded:

> I don't know much about the specifics but for a desktop computer I
> would go with either FreeBSD 9 or PC-BSD (perhaps with the intel kms
> patch)

I'd say go with FreeBSD 9.0, either 9.0-release or 9.0-stable snapshot.

I ddon't see any advantage in FreeBSD 8.x or earlier.

One thing I didn't like about FreeBSD < 9 was distribution sets broken into 
floppy-sized chunks (base.aa, base.ab ...)
which is no longer the case with 9.0.

For C programming, you have the choice between gcc and Clang.  

I like Gnumeric spreadsheet.

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