
I would just like to ask / know. Did anything weird or wonderful happen on the 
FreeBSD ports.

To show you what I mean.

[root@torry /usr/home/bclark]# portaudit -F -a; portsnap fetch update; 
pkg_version -vIL=; freebsd-update  fetch install
auditfile.tbz                                 100% of   77 kB 6570  Bps 00m00s
New database installed.
0 problem(s) in your installed packages found.
Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 9 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from geodns-1.portsnap.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching snapshot metadata... done.
Updating from Thu May 31 19:58:31 SAST 2012 to Fri Jun  1 08:51:05 SAST 2012.
Fetching 4 metadata patches... done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Fetching 0 metadata files... done.
Fetching 4180 patches.....10....20....30....40....

4180 patches really !!!

I run the above command almost everyday, so the most I have ever really seen is 
300 - 400 patches. But 4180 has got me attention.

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