As for ZFS being dangerous, we have a score of drive-years with no loss of data. The lack of fsck is considered in this intelligently written piece

you are just lucky.

before i would start using anything new in such important part as filesystem, i do extreme test, ssimulate hardware faults, random overwrites etc.

I did it for ZFS not once, and it fails miserably ending with unrecoverable filesystem that - at best - is without data in some subdirectory. at worst - that crashes at mount and are inaccessible forever.

under FFS the worst thing i can get is loss of overwritten data only. overwritten inode - lost file. overwrite data blocks - overwritten files. nothing more!

what i don't talk about is ZFS performance which is just terribly bad, except some few special cases when it is slightly faster than UFS+softupdates.

It is even worse with RAID-5 style layout which ZFS do "better" with RAID-Z.

Better=random read performance of single drive.
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