On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 18:28:38 -0400
Lowell Gilbert <freebsd-questions-lo...@be-well.ilk.org> wrote:

> "Christopher J. Ruwe" <c...@cruwe.de> writes:
> > For setting the dafault hash used to hash /etc/master.passwd, it has
> > been recommended changing md5 for something more secure in the
> > sense of being more expensive to crack.
> >
> > The handbook describes the procedure used in
> > http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/crypt.html.
> > Allegedly, hashes which were hashed with one of the sha-functions
> > begin with the character $6$.
> >
> > Afer having changed my /etc/login.conf accordingly and having reset
> > the passwords, the given there is not md5 anymore (I have tried
> > with md5), but does not begin with the character $6$, but, as md5,
> > with $1$, which is supposed to be md5-hashed.
> I'm not following. Are you saying that you are resetting the passwords
> after setting login.conf, but new passwords aren't being created with
> the new hash type? 
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Yes, you are following correctly that the hash mechanism did not appear
to have changed. It was OSI-8 error on my part, as Mike Tancsa (one
message later) helped me to understand.

Christopher J. Ruwe
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