On Fri, 06 Jul 2012 04:05:36 -0400, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> On part 1, it might be possible to build things on the old
> machine, but only little things.

It _will_ work, it just will take some time. If that isn't
a major concern -- no problem. If the machine is low on RAM,
there should at least be sufficient swap space.

> Ports tree and source tree would really pinch the hard disk
> space (5 GB).

Using them via NFS (when needed) or as read-only source from
a CD could be possible. However, I'd suggest using the NFS
approach during installation time. On the described hardware,
the usage paradigm should be: "INSTALL ONCE, THEN KEEP USING".
If updates are required, using an "external compiler" would
be the best choice. In case you're only using precompiled
packages (installs via pkg_add -r), you don't need the ports
tree at all. For dealing with the system (from /usr/src), if
it has to be present on disk, /usr/obj could be used via NFS
on some scratch disk. There are many possibilities to get the
job done. They all require some time, but it _is_ possible.

> On part 2, do you mean lynx or links?  

I think it was links that also had a GUI port. There may
be other lightweight browsers (like dillo) that one could
consider using. Of course none of them will utilize "Flash". :-)

> Links can be built with graphics, there is even a DOS port,
> but a far cry from Firefox (try Midori?) which have no DOS ports.

> I think there is also w3m?

I know w3m is a very nice text mode browser, I can't say if
it has graphics support.

> Building the kernel is nowhere near as time-consuming as buildworld.

True, but if you update kernel and world, both have to be processes.
Otherwise, you could stay on the installed version level (e. g. 9.0)
and only tweak GENERIC into something that is more efficient. But
in that case, sources should not be altered.

> On my older computer, building a custom kernel took about 25 minutes
> for NetBSD, 75 minutes for FreeBSD 8.2, and 130 minutes for Gentoo
> Linux, and the Gentoo Linux kernel proved nonbootable.

That's normal. :-)

> On the last part, time required to download an ISO would depend on
> type of connection more than CPU speed.

Sure, no big CPU load. I just wanted to illustrate that this old
system could do things that some "modern" PCs fail to do: Just
imagine users complaining about skipping audio when they move
windows across the screen... :-)

And I still have the machine I described. "Mister Coffee" is
currently installed with FreeBSD 8.2, expecting to be used for
experimental projects as an internal file / IRC / maybe OA server.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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