On Fri, 30 May 2003, JOHN HOOVER wrote:

> The machine is running just fine (best I can tell).
> It's a Samba server with internal email, no one's complained about
> it not working from the client side.
> It did take three or four attempts to get it to boot successfully
> after the power outage. But now it boots without any fuss except for
> the strings of [O^[[O^[[O^[[O^[[O^[[ after mounting the partitions.
> the error is on the console, there not in /var/log/messages or dmesg.

Does the string appear continually or is it only one short string and then
ok? Does it happen if you switch to a different virtual screen?

I bet you have a broken keyboard (zapped during the power outage).



        Andy Farkas
    System Administrator
   Speednet Communications

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