On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 07:47:02 -0500 (CDT)
Robert Bonomi articulated:

> > From: Wojciech Puchar <woj...@wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl>
> >
> > >>> Surely SpinRite is "more clever" than that,
> > >> i would bet otherwise. simple tools and free tools are always
> > >> better
> > >
> > > You continue to demonstrate that you "don't know what you don't
> > > know".
> >
> > are you another sponsored by some "recovery tool" commercial
> > producer?
> What I am is an information systems professional with 45 years
> experience. including 30 years with Unix, who does not suffer
> ignorant, ill-informed, and arrogant, fools gladly.
> You make pronouncements of your *opinions* as though they are
> God-given fact -- even on things which you _don't_ have actual
> knowledge.  You're entitled to have opinions, *BUT* the "Gospel
> According to Wojciech" is -not- 'the answer' for everybody, in every
> situation. *IF* you ever learn that, realize that there _are_ other
> =legitimate= viewpoints on matters, and qualify your statements with
> things like 'in my opinion', 'this might help', 'have you considered
> trying' -- as opposed to dictating what the reader must do,
> *especially* when you have missed critical facts in the question you
> are responding to -- Then, and *ONLY*THEN*, are people likely to give
> your opinions about how to do things any serious consideration.
> Case in point, your "I would bet otherwise" -- an implicit admission
> you *don't* know how SpinRite actually works.  How much hard cash, US
> dollars, do you have to 'put your money where your mouth is"?
> Alternatively, you can admit you were blowing bullshit -- that your
> words were merely uninformed speculation, with no actual basis in
> fact.
> As for my subject-expertise -- I have, personally, _written_
> stand-alone code that directly interfaces with hard-controller disk
> chips -- for purposes of evaluating the condition of damaged
> hard-disks.  I've had clients come to me for advice on data-recovery,
> having suffered catastrophic damage to their only copy of what was
> truly 'mission critical' data. (No, they weren't existing clients --
> if they had been, proper back-up procedures would have been in place,
> and the disk crash would have been a 'non-event'.)
> I have successfully recovered _every_byte_ of data from a damaged
> "State of The Art Compression" compressed disk volume, using custom
> device-driver code that I wrote.
> I've had clients that decided it WAS 'worth it' to pay one of the
> 'kilobuck per megabyte of recovered data' (actual price) "Class 25
> clean room" recovery services -- where the damage to the drive was
> such that *ANY* attempt to access anything on the drive would cause
> more damage.  Using "'simple, free tools", like your 'dd'
> recommendation,  would (a) not have been successful, and (b)
> *greatly* reduced what would be recoverable by the clean-room
> facility.
> Your assertation that "free tools are always better" is pure,
> unadulterated bullshit.  For 'simple' situations, they _may_ be
> adequate, or may not.
> When there are various kinds of _serious_ problems, even -attempting-
> to use tools like 'dd' (or SpinRite, for that matter) can/will make
> things FAR worse.  Drive disassembly and platter cleaning _must_ be
> the first t hing done in such situations.
> _For_the_price_, SpinRite provides an amazing level of functionality.
> circa 85-90% of what high-end professional tools costing 100x more
> can do.  It's not a FUS, but it is incredible 'bang for the buck',
> and does things that *NO* Unix 'userland' application can do in
> reconstructing damaged data. SpinRite _will_ recover data in a lot of
> situations where the 'dd' approach is "less than effective".
> Situations where SpinRite is ineffective, _and_ the "clean room"
> approach is _not_ required, are rare.  It's not perfect, it won't fix
> "everything", but it is an incredibly inexpensive step up (and a
> *LARGE* step up) from the 'dd' approach.  If the 'dd' type approach
> you you recover 'what you need' that's great.  If _not_, SpinRite
> should probably be the 'next step'.  If it _doesn't_ work, the
> cost/time for trying it is 'inconsequential petty cash', elative to
> the cost of the _next_ approach.  And, if it -does- work, it paid for
> itself, a hundred times over, by saving the cost of the really
> expensive approach.  "Cheap insurance' even at several times the
> retail price.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Wojciech lives in his own little
world, which is fine as long as he doesn't try to visit mine. He sounds
like he works at a small Polish SMB, more commonly referred to as a
SOHO in more developed countries. I have just blocked him so I don't
have to read his TROLLish bullshit. The fact that he mentioned
"scandisk" which Microsoft only released in Microsoft Windows
Millennium Edition, Microsoft Windows 98 Standard Edition and Microsoft
Windows 98 Second Edition makes one wonder just how current he is with
modern operating systems and techniques. He obviously has no idea what
SpinRite is, how it works or even the concept of directly interfacing
with hard-controller disk chips. For him, "dd" is state of the art.

Jerry ♔

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