On 7/27/12 1:47 PM, Daniel Bye wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 07:19:45AM -0400, Daniel Feenberg wrote:
>> On Fri, 27 Jul 2012, Daniel Bye wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 12:51:04PM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>>>>> Are there any current options available to support on-access antivirus
>>>>> scanning on FreeBSD?
>>>> FreeBSD doesn't need this as there are no viruses on that system.
>>> Well, thanks.
>>>>> And yes, I know that neither FreeBSD nor Solaris are renowned for their
>>>>> sickly vulnerability to viruses, but we operate in a mixed environment, 
>>>>> with
>>>>> a lot of Windows machines and ZFS file systems exported by SMB/CIFS, so we
>>>>> need the AV to ensure any viruses are stopped before they infect a
>>>>> susceptible machine.  It seems a small price to pay to finally get a 
>>>>> decent
>>>>> workstation!
>>>> No idea - YOU will not spread wiruses, and viruses from other
>>>> winstations will not affect you.
>>>> so just install antivirus software on winstations.
>>>> Or finally educate users as it is really simple to avoid viruses
>>>> even with windows
>>> I refer you to the part where I specifically talk about our corporate IT
>>> policy. All desktops/workstations (that is, all of them, every single one),
>>> must have AV software running on them. There will be no exceptions, on pain
>> Well, there is AV software for FreeBSD - we use Kaspersky on our
>> FreeBSD based mailserver, but the viruses it looks for are Windows
>> viruses. I don't know if that will satisfy your IT policy. Maybe you
>> should be looking at Cygwin? Or, can FreeBSD run under HyperV?
> Thanks, Daniel. I have looked at Kaspersky, and various others, but the main
> sticking point, as I see it, is that there is no on-access scanning
> capability in any of the AV packages available for FreeBSD.  It's not
> essential to build my case, but it would certainly strengthen it.  I use
> ClamAV on my home mail server, and it works well.  I have also tested it out
> on a desktop machine to run on-demand scans, and it works just fine, and
> doesn't impose so much of a load as to be a nuisance.
> We have had a couple of virus outbreaks recently, so this is quite a high
> profile concern around here at the moment. The CIO is from a technical
> background, so I might well be able to convince him of FreeBSD's strengths
> as a very secure system, but I will still need to accede to the IT policy,
> sadly - no way around it.
> Dan


But then, FUSE... ew...
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