2012/8/2 jb <jb.1234a...@gmail.com>:
> Sergey Listopad <psychosensor <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> ...
>> As you can see, bootstrap process stuck much earlier kernel
>> booting/root mounting. It stuck on loader stage (loader can't do
>> something. But what exactly?)
>> I've been able to boot system manually (so system on HDD is workable),
>> by skipping loader stage (boot kernel directly from boot block prompt)
>>       >> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
>>      Default: 0:ad(0p2)/boot/loader
>>      boot:/boot/kernel/kernel
> OK. So it looks like you have succeeded with stage 1 and 2.
> At this point the boot slice is known - the boot process knows where to find
> defaults.
> After that stage 3 should be auto-executed, but it does not.
It is auto-executed, but stuck.

So far I have system with GPT partitioning scheme. To exclude this
layer, I've reinstall system with MBR scheme, but loader(8) stuck in
the same place.

BTX loader 1.00 BTX version is 1.02
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS drive A: is disk0

> At this point check if you have /boot.config by chance. This file, if exists,
> may contain options modifying stages of the boot process, in this case
> the transition from stage 2 to 3 is of interest.
> Check it out and, if applies, read BOOT.CONFIG(5) and its examples.
> jb
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