I think it would be useful to get familiar with what systemd is,
technically and fundamentally.
Here is a thread in which a knowledgeable professional
questions many technical aspects of it:

open this thread in one browser window (to get a nice overview of what
you already read):

and start with the first post in another window (the reason is that tricksters
tried to change the thread subject, but if you follow thr thread with "next"
post you will not miss anything; be patient - there are some intermediate
posts that are noice):
systemd: please stop trying to take over the world :)   Denys Vlasenko

There are important points raised:
- going beyond system init replacement, systemd to be a platform for OS,
  together with GNOME 3
- not adhering to UNIX principles (modularity, etc)
- interference with sysadmin duties/decisions to set up the system (e.g.
  loading modules on its own and e.g. enabling sys capabilities and protocols)
- there are many other phantom reasons systemd was introduced as
  the next thing after the sliced bread invention, like parallelization that
  is not (but they sold it as if they implemented concurrency)

This is just an intro ...
There is much more to be questioned if you know what and care to.

The author of this snake oil knows what and why he sells it.
He is not a UNIX mind.

One can scratch her head thinking what kind of pseudo "progress" can
be sold to those goofies in Linux ecosystem, and apparently in *BSD
ecosystem as well.
The Slackware dev hit it exactly on the nail !

Think and enjoy it.
I will eventually comment more on it later as well.
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