On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 09:54:08 -0400, kpn...@pobox.com wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:04:02AM +0200, Andy Wodfer wrote:
> > Can't seem to figure out the problem with MAXPATHLEN.
> > 
> > locate: integer out of +-MAXPATHLEN (1024): 1029
> > 
> > 
> > In my /etc/locate.rc I have pruned several directories (even the most
> > obvious) - still the locate DB exeeds well over 1GB before outputting this
> > error message.
> > 
> > I have moved the tmp dir for locate to /usr/tmp which works fine (changed
> > in locate script) and there is no problems with diskspace here.
> > 
> > the find awk command suggested earlier in this thread didn't give me a
> > better clue about what's happening.
> > 
> > Anyone have any other ideas what I can try to find out why locate fails?
> I'm starting to wonder if you have a corrupt filesystem. Do you have
> a large number of files or something? My locate database is about three
> megs in size. Granted, I don't have that much data to index.

On my home system, it's 16 GB, but that's still far away from
any gigabyte "barrier"...

> A loop in the filesystem will eventually result in a path that is
> too long. Use fsck to diagnose a corrupt filesystem if you are using

Performing a file system check is a good advice, just to make
sure there's not a file system inconsistency that triggers some
abnormal behaviour. Note that _repairing_ a potential defect
should be done in single user mode ("boot -s") on the unmounted

> If you don't mind a teeny bit of scripting then you can get close to
> the problem with a find command that runs a short python script:
> find / -exec scriptname {} \;
> Where scriptname is an executable file with contents something like this:
> # /usr/local/bin/python
> import sys
> for x in sys.argv[1:]:
>    if len(x) > 900:                # make higher or lower as needed
>       sys.stdout.write(x + "\n")
>       sys.stdout.flush()
> This script takes all command line arguments to it and prints them
> out if the length of the argument exceeds 900 characters. The find
> command I gave above should run this script and give it each
> filename as it comes across it.

In short and which system tools only:

        % find / -type d | awk 'length > 900'

And with storing a list for further reference:

        % find / -type d | awk 'length > 900' > /tmp/longpaths.txt

Also note that this test only considers path names. In case
you have long _file_ names (or names containing corrupt characters
maybe), that could also be a problem, as the locate command also
records those, if I remember correctly. You can change the "-type d"
to "-type f" to test for file names (_including_ the path).
See "man find" for details.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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