Dear FreeBSD -

I have installed PC-BSD 9.1 RC1 last week.  Very nice I must say.

The default file system is zfs. I have one storage disk which is ufs and another which is on an mbr partition. I thought I would format the mbr disk with zfs and move everything from the ufs disk and then format the ufs disk with zfs.

I have not tried the command line before so I just tried to create over the disk with: gpart create -s gpt ada2

The message is that ada2 already exists as a file system.

Show indicates that it is not gpt but mbr.

Then in order to start over I tried to delete and destroy by starting with:

gpart delete -i 1 ada2s1

The message is that ada2s1 is an invalid argument.

I cannot experiment on my backup as it has only one disk.

Comment please?

Blue Seahorse Syndicate
Maine & New Hampshire
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