On 8/29/2012 8:27 AM, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
Jack Stone <ja...@sage-american.com> writes:

uname -a FreeBSD mail.sagedata.net 7.0-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD
7.0-RELEASE-p9 #2: Sun Jan 18 19:59:27 CST 2009

Running perl5.10 (yeah, old!)
This is a production server.

Been playing catchup on ports including perl as UPDATING recommends:
portupgrade -o lang/perl5.12 -f perl-5.10.\*

That has worked on other servers, but not this one. Anyone know what I
need to do to clean this up??

But, can't get past this fatal error:
mail# portupgrade -o lang/perl5.12 -f perl-5.10.\*
"/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.options.mk", line 231: Error in archive
specification: "WITHOUT_"
"/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.options.mk", line 231: Error in archive
specification: "WITHOUT_"
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
** Makefile possibly broken: lang/perl5.12:
You're almost four years past the end-of-life on the release you're
running, so it's been left behind in terms of support. In this case it
looks (based on a *very* quick look) that you may be running into
changes in how make(1) actually works, in which case backporting the
ports functionality will be more work than it's worth.

If the machine "can't" be updated, and assuming it's secure (which hard
to be sure about with old software on the Internet), you may be best off
leaving it alone.

Good luck.

Thanks for the reply.

Actually, on other servers with the same upgrading needs, perl-5.12 installed without any issue. My intention is to upgrade perl in increments to get well past EOL.

Wonder if I just deinstalled the old perl5-5.10 and then installed the perl5-12 would work. I can do that right from the port: make perl5-12 first to see if that works, then:
# make deinstall (perl-5.10) then: make install clean

What do you think? I've got to move up because an important perl program requires a minimum 5.12.

All the best,

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