So what you say is that if I had opened  identd socket for example then
updating /etc/hosts.allow and changing rules for ftpd won't take affect on
ftpd after new connection ? (assuming that noone is using my ftpd at all)


On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Matthew Seaman wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 05:26:15AM +0200, Alexander wrote:
> >  Hello !
> >
> >  Sometimes when I change my /etc/hosts.allow and kill and start again
> > inetd, there is no difference. It's like I haven't edited
> > /etc/hosts.allow. If I continue making changes and stop/start inetd there
> > are no affections to the inetd daemons, they allow or deny as
> > /etc/hosts.allow isn't modified since inetd was first started after the
> > system bootstrapped.
> > So what I do now is edit /etc/hosts.allow and then reboot. (Pretty ugly)
> > But I noticed that this happens only to the /etc/inetd.conf daemons.
> > Stand alone daemons like sshd haven't got such problem the changes occur
> > immediately.
> You don't need to restart inetd(8) when you edit /etc/hosts.allow.
> TCP wrappers will immediately pick up any changes to that file and
> apply them to all subsequent processes connecting to a wrapped
> service.
> You are probably seeing the effect of persistent connections: either
> connections that are still ongoing or processes spawned by inetd
> marked as 'wait', which take over the socket and can accept new
> connections if they happen to be running already.  Since the TCP
> wrappers function is provided by inetd, it can only be applied at the
> point that incoming network traffic causes inetd to start up the
> wrapped process.  Generally processes managed by inetd are fairly
> short lived but there are occasional exceptions: nmbd from the samba
> suite always seems to start up one time and then run continuously for
> ever after.
> Note that long running services with the TCP wrappers functionality
> compiled in to them (sendmail, sshd etc) will pick up changes to
> hosts.allow instantaneously. Of course, samba software is itself
> generally linked against TCP wrappers in exactly this manner.
>       Cheers,
>       Matthew
> --
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
>                                                       Savill Way
> PGP:         Marlow
> Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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