[ Thomas Dickey wrote on Sat  6.Oct'12 at  7:32:00 -0400 ]

> On Sat, Oct 06, 2012 at 07:31:07AM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 06, 2012 at 10:45:52AM +0100, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> > > [ Ronald F. Guilmette wrote on Sat  6.Oct'12 at  2:25:04 -0700 ]
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > When I view man pages in a xterm window, some parts of them are coming
> > > > out a bit garbled.
> > > > 
> > > > I'm sure that there must be some recommended option or options for
> > > > xterm that will cause man pages to display properly.  If someone would
> > > > tell me what those options are, I would appreciate it.  Thanks.
> > > 
> > > It will most likely be due to your locale settings. Also, I experimented 
> > > with fonts in xterm and uxterm, only the default font allowed unicode 
> > > charaters to display, so I am now using urxvt and it works great. I also 
> > > changed my pager option in the shell start up file to less as opposed to 
> > > more, and set lesscharset environment variable, man pages display fine 
> > > now for me.
> > 
> > For people using UTF-8, the uxterm script works out of the box...
> > 
> > The usual problem with fonts is from overwriting the utf8Fonts resource
> > setting via a too-wide "fonts" wildcard pattern.
> For example
>       http://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.faq.html#utf8_fonts

Hi Thomas - is understand what your saying about uxterm - it does display utf8 
fonts correctly when leaving the font resource alone, but the default font is 
very small, too small for my eyes. 

I installed a large number of utf8 supported X fonts, the ones I've tried don't 
display Chinese or Korean, or Russian fonts etc. It became a little frustrating 
which made me change to another terminal. The link you provided doesn't appear 
to be active. Would you be kind enough to show the resource settings you have 

I spent a long time reading through the man page and trying out different 
resource settings and combinations of them, European fonts were never a 
problem, just the east Asian characters and Russian characters as I mentioned.

I've set my locale to en_GB.UTF-8 using /etc/login.conf and then cap_mkdb 
/etc/login.conf. As I said in my previous email, urxvt has no problem 
displaying these characters but I'd like to get uxterm working properly none 
the less, as I'm sure the OP does as well.

Best wishes, Jamie
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