On 08/10/2012 16:24, Ashkan Rahmani wrote:
Unfortunately (for me of course) it has  geforce 310m cuda 1gb VGA,
and it seems this VGA is not supported by FreeBSD.

After installing FreeBSD/PC-BSD resolution is about 800x600 and I
can not change it. Color depth is also terrible. Configuring
xorg.conf automatically or manually can not fix my problem.
installing nvidia driver from ports also can not fix my problem.

some ideas --

The release notes for nvidia-driver 304.51 lists the 310M as supported.
Check that you have the latest version
Maybe try with driver "nv" instead of nvidia to see if the issue is the

kldstat | grep nvidia
to check that the nvidia kernel module has loaded.

Is there any helpful info in Xorg.0.log
Lines starting with (EE) are errors.
(WW) warning lines may also be helpful.

dmesg will show the startup log and may highlight any hardware
detection problems.

Have you installed x11/nvidia-settings? It is a gui app that should
show you all available resolutions.

The Xorg.conf from your archlinux install should produce the same
results on FreeBSD. Or at least give hints to what is configured wrong.

There is a chance that your linux install used a newer version of xorg
- 1.7 is default in ports but you can set WITH_NEW_XORG to build 1.10

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