
Advice?  I have not seen this before:

(685) @ 2:22:16> cd /usr/src
(686) @ 2:22:18> svn up
Updating '.':
Skipped 'sys' -- Node remains in conflict
At revision 241794.
Summary of conflicts:
  Skipped paths: 1
(687) @ 2:22:43>

- more background information:

ZFS Subsystem Report                            Sun Oct 21 02:32:36 2012

System Information:

        Kernel Version:                         901000 (osreldate)
        Hardware Platform:                      amd64
        Processor Architecture:                 amd64

        ZFS Storage pool Version:               28
        ZFS Filesystem Version:                 5

FreeBSD 9.1-RC2 #0 r241106: Mon Oct 1 18:26:44 UTC 2012 root
 2:32AM  up 4 days, 18:32, 7 users, load averages: 0.14, 0.10, 0.08


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