In message <>
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk <> wrote:

>Assume one file will NOT be copied more than ONE DVD , i.e. , each file
>will be completely recorded on one DVD :

The problem you cited is an interesting one, but I do not believe that
it is at all relevant to the current discussion for the simple reason
that this "cutting problem" is based on the assmption that one "thing"
(e.g. a cut piece of paper) cannot be spread across two or more of the
available units of raw material (e.g. a standard roll of paper).

I'm sure that is true for paper, but as regards to FreeBSD partition
backups, these have always been allowed to cross output volume boundaries,
I think, e.g. spilling off the end of one backup tape and onto the beginning
of the next backup tape.

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